Friday, October 9, 2009

The Lie That Grew (and Grew)

Annie came out front while I was mowing the yard.( I had told her earlier she could not be out front since she had left the scooter in front of the neighbor's house and it went missing for a bit. )
Thinking she was looking for an excuse to be in front,I sent her back in. A short time later, she reappeared with Rachel. I could see by their faces something was up, so I shut off the mower.
"Mom, Annie needs to tell you something." Annie whispered to Rachel that she wanted Rachel to tell me. They whispered back and forth a bit and finally Rachel said Annie was swinging on her swing, fell off and a nail poked her in the lip. I looked from Annie to Rachel, trying to discern from Rachel's face whether this could be true.
I told Annie to show me where this nail was, then told Rachel that IF I found a nail, Dad was going to have to talk to the neighbors behind us. (our neighbors have been building a shed. I found several nails near the fence,but back in an area Annie will not usually go, for fear of spiders)
I followed Annie to the back yard and we stopped at the edge of the patio."Show me where you found the nail" I said.
" Well, it was by the clothesline." she replied. I knew it likely wasn't there, but I made a show of looking anyway.
"Annie" I began"There is no way you fell off the swing and bumped your lip on a nail by the clothesline."
It was obvious to me that Annie was lying, but how to get her to admit it and see the importance of telling the truth was going to be difficult.
Trying to be patient, I began again." Annie, if I have to go talk to the neighbors about throwing nails over the fence,and find out that you lied to me, you are going to be in BIG trouble, so you had better tell me where the nail is."
Annie decided that she had thrown it in the grass. "So, If I mow the backyard, I can run over the nail,and it will get thrown up by the lawnmower,and it could hit someone's eye." Annie thought for a moment and quipped" Well, It was over by the ladder,and ..." I had to interrupt." I did not see a single nail over by your ladder. You are not telling me the truth.Now tell me the truth!"
Annie tried again."Well, I threw it away." "Oh," I said, so if I check the garbage can am I going to find it?" Annie thought for a moment."You see, it went BEHIND the Garbage can."

I told her I was going to check. "Well..." (By now, I am thinking that word has become Annie's favorite out of all the words in her vast vocabulary.)"you won't see it,because it went behind that big air thing"(the water heater)
I told her that was funny, I didn't think she could have thrown it that far. Annie tried again."Well, it went into the mouse hole" I informed her that there was no mouse hole.
By this time, Annie's responses were coming slower, I could see that she was really trying to think of something that might make her story believable.
She thought a moment more,and spoke again." You won't see it down there,because I threw it really high and it went into a mouse hole way up there."
She pointed to the rafters above the washer and dryer.

Rachel had been watching the entire time,and finally couldn't stand it anymore. Trying not to laugh, she said" That's a good one Annie!"
Annie stood for a minute,and then laughed,as if she was just kidding the whole time. She waltzed off to play, as if nothing had happened.
That is the lie that grew and grew .The only truth we could discern was that she had indeed fallen off the swingset, but apparently had decided the nail idea was a bit more of an exciting story.