Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm Tired

I know this might not be the cheeriest blog, but I just need to vent. I am tired. I am tired of battles everyday. I am tired of hearing people who are taking trips here or there, to Hawaii or what have you,and we can't afford to even go camping. It sucks.
I am tired of being broke. This route the hubby is on has put us so far behind on credit cards and such that most paydays I don't even get to go grocery shopping.
Then, when a better route comes up, Dick can't have it because someone above him in seniority votes on that route.
We tithe, we give offerings, sow seeds,and serve,and we just can never catch a break.
I don't spend money frivolously, I haven't bought new jeans for myself in a year! My tennis shoes are crap and Annie needs new carpet in her room DESPERATELY. I need restoration!
My hubby works his tail off,and I work when I can at the church. We just always struggle. I am tired of driving Rachel's car and adding extra wear and tear to it.

Some how, God makes it stretch, but I want to be able to buy a steak and have a steak once in a while, or go out with the fam. Is that too much to ask?

I am tired of the Obama adminstration and the state Government of California. The Obamas act like King and Queen with the peons at their disposal. Tax hikes here, bad plans for medical care, and taxpayer funded abortions.
California elects a known liberal governor who signs a bill making it mandatory to teach Homosexual contributions to American History.
I am tired of voting and my vote counts for (sorry,in advance) shit.

California's majority of voters TWICE voted in favor of traditional marriage,and liberal activist judges decide we don't know what we want.

I am tired of just day to day struggles. I am tired of people who make two or three times what we do looking down their nose at us and wondering why we have a hard time making ends meet.

I am just tired,and I need a break. So do alot of us. I wish it were time for Jesus to come.
Jesus, if you aren't going to come yet, can't we catch a break and have some money to do something fun with? Please?

Now I have ranted. Think what you want, it's how I feel right now.