Sunday, February 12, 2012


Okay, so I know I can be opinionated,and I know I can be stubborn. I also know that sometimes I am wrong,and sometimes I am not. I sometimes jump the gun,and speak before I think.(or as in the case I am thinking of, type before I think)
On that note, I am human, I have feelings,and I have struggles. I feel, I think, I laugh and I cry.I hurt,and sometimes I hurt others, I know.
Does that mean though,that it's okay for others to be stressed but I can't be? Does it mean that I can't be passionate about something but have to shut up for fear someone will be offended?
I am right now wavering between anger and hurt. I am tired of being told by a particular person "I am so stressed,and blah blah," but If I am stressed and I speak up about it, God forbid. If I stand for what is right and true, God forbid, I am intolerant. I know this person has alot going on,but some of it is stuff that they have made the choice for it to be that way.
Some of it, they try to control and it's not their job to do that. The situation is hard, but it's time to let go and stop trying to manipulate and control the situation.

I was told that the person may have to block me, just a warning. Well, so be it. I am not going to explain myself, nor am I going to apologize anymore. I have nothing to say.
Right now though, I am angry and hurt and I want to cry but I can't.
I can't be stressed or have feelings, right?? Well... so I am supposed to be happy go lucky all the time. I am ready to just find a hole and hide. I am tired of being this person 's whipping post.