Monday, January 26, 2009

A 21st century Pharaoh?

I was reading in Exodus last night. (I think it was chapters 9 and 10) Moses and Aaron are trying to get Pharaoh to let their people go. There have been locusts, water turning to blood, gnats(the locusts and gnats would have been more than enough for me, I hate bugs!), just to name a few.
Each time God sends a plague, Pharaoh's heart remains hardened. I had a thought, while reading that, and I am pretty sure God was showing me something. Since taking the oath of office only 6 ago, President Obama has signed several executive orders. I keep asking God "What is it going to take to get this President to see he is wrong?" I want to beat my head against the wall. I am a common sense type of person,and this is really aggravating me!
I believe it was no mistake that I read those two chapters last night,and here's what I think God is showing me: I think our new President is somewhat like Pharaoh of Moses' time. He knows the decisions he has made are not in our best interest, but yet he has hardened his heart to what he knows is right. It took many plagues to get Pharaoh's attention his heart was so hard!

I am thinking we have to keep petitioning God for our President's salvation and for God to soften his heart. I know we all know we are supposed to pray for our leaders, but this is one we have to keep praying hard for! Don't get me wrong, I am NOT easily inclined to pray for our new President, I really have to make myself do it. I am trying to find good , and having a hard time of it. I just want to throw up my hands and say "forget it!" I am stubborn that way sometimes.

On a different note; I am amazed at how each time I read a book of the
Bible, God speaks to me in new and different ways. I am amazed that God would show ME some of the things he does, and speak to me in the ways he does. I am the type that thinks of God speaking to everyone BUT me, so it just amazes me that he gives me the privilege of hearing from him. I know I am not any big shot, but I also know that I don't need to be or have to be! I just have to be willing,and LISTEN. The listening part is something I am working really hard on!!!
Tomorrow, I will post another, completely different, and fun blog!! I hope you'll read it and laugh! I know I could use a good laugh!


Beth Ward said...

I shake my head in wonder at our executive branch. It is hard to be motivated to pray. Thanks for reminding me to be more obedient despite how I feel. -bw-

Kimmy said...

Beth, you aren't the only one! Mainly, I find myself praying "God! What is going on!" I don't exactly know what to pray,or how, I just keep saying "God! You have to do something!"