Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Costco reciepts

We made our way through the main aisle of Costco, with the usual stops one needs to make with a 5 year old who wants to sample anything available.
We finally made it over to the deli section to pick the meat and bread we wanted for our sandwiches.

Content with our selection; we made our way to the front registers to pay for our items. Dick ordered a couple of hot dog combos while there,and paid for our items.
In his haste, he nearly forgot to take the reciept with him to the snack bar. I handed him the reciept, unaware of the fact that there were two reciepts.
After he put all the goodies on his hot dogs, we headed for the door.
Dick handed the door man the reciept in the box. The man looked at the reciept. "Where is your reciept?" the doorman asked. He continued " This one is for the hot dogs and drinks,and it LOOKS like you have some meat, cheese and bread in this box." I felt a big "DUH" coming on at the word "LOOKS" but kept my mouth shut.
Dick looked at me and said "YOU gave me the wrong reciept." I couldn't help but reply in defense "Don't blame me!" "I didn't know there were two reciepts!"

Grumbling that the snack bar had probably thrown away the reciept, and without any suggestions from the doorman, Dick started off on a seemingly wild goose chase.
Annie and I stayed behind with the food we had paid for, but not having the reciept to prove it, we waited; one patiently, the other NOT so patiently.
(patient is an adjective that would NOT correctly describe the noun known as Annie.)

I watched as Dick first went to the snack bar, then over to the customer service desk. From there; I could not see where he went. I began to wonder if Costco was going to keep my hubby as proof of purchase.

After what seemed an eternity; he came back with a computer printout of our proof of purchase.
I felt by then that Annie and I should have been bestowed with some sort of an award for our PATIENCE or at least my creativity in trying to keep Annie occupied and out of trouble during the wait.

We once again made our way to the door; with Dick's irritation written all over his face. The doorman meekly thanked us,and we left, on our not so merry way.
By the time we made it to the car, Dick's irritation had subsided,and he happily ate his late lunch of hot dogs,while I ate a late lunch consisting of my cinnamon roll from Cinnabon. (and,yes, I enjoyed every bite!)

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