Monday, October 27, 2008

Random thoughts and wishes

Lately, I have been doing some thinking, about many things, but for now, I 'll start with Jesus. I wonder what it would be like to touch his robes? I have so many questions. I wonder what he smells like?

Smell is something I know can bring up memories. Certain smells remind me of my Grandma Dorothy's house. I always felt so at home there, more than I did in my own home growing up! Her house always had a certain smell. I never want to forget that smell. When she died, I went to her closet and smelled her clothes, I couldn't help it. I NEEDED to. My sister asked me to stop. I guess I did, I know it was hard for her to watch.

Anyhow, I wonder what does Jesus smell like? I want to smell him, touch him, I want to enter the throne room,like some people have.It would be so cool to smell him,and then know when I walk into a room,that he is or has been there because of that smell, kind of like knowing the smell of Grandma's house. (actually, to know he is there or has been there in any way would be awesome!) I know what I want and what Jesus wants may be two different things. I just want to experience more of him. I want to go to a deeper level with Jesus, not just "oh, yeah,I love Jesus,and I know he loves me. " I mean really go deeper.

One of my loved ones has seen Jesus. She has been to the throne room. She has other experiences,and gifts from God that I would love to experience myself!

I wish I had a place here at home where I could go to seek him, where I couldn't be interrupted. Not to escape daily life, I have responsibilites that have to be attended to, but just a private place where I could pray and seek him.

Ultitmately, whatever Jesus gives me, I will take. SOmeone I know once said she would take everyone's leftovers, but she also said she knows that leftovers aren't really what Jesus wants to give her. I know what she means, though! I sometimes feel the same way. I haven't a clue whether this makes any sense or not, but these are my thoughts, wishes, etc. I can say that I have experienced Jesus and the things of God in a way I haven't ever before, in the last couple of years. I just want so much more. I am grateful for what He has done for me and what he has given me, don't get me wrong!!! I just know there is more,and I can't wait to find out what it is.

That having been said, I guess I have to wait and see! I don't necessarily want to know ahead of time, because I love surprises and presents, too!


Faith Peasley said...

I never thought about it...But it would be cool to smell Jesus. I think he smells the way it does right after it rained.. When everything is clean and fresh..And the sky's are so blue. But who knows...

Beth Ward said...


I really enjoyed your post. Keep writing! -bw-

Carol Law said...

This was an amazing entry. I feel just like that a lot of the time. Keep writing-you have an amazing gifting at being able to express emotions that often go unexpressed. Blessings!