Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

Dear Mr. Obama,
I am writing this to you, doubting you will ever see it, but writing it nonetheless.
You have won the Presidential election and on January 20 you will be sworn in.
I did not vote for you, I don't agree with your ideas and I don't like the ideals of some of the people you associate with.
That being said; You will be President, and I want you to know something.
You will be prayed for. I will be praying for the people you choose to put in your cabinet,and I will be praying for your family. While I am not happy that you won, I owe you that much. I have prayed for other presidents,and owe you no less.

I will pray you make the right decisions, to keep our country safe. We have not had a terrorist attack since 9/11, and that is not a coincidence. I am sure you want America to remain safe.
I will pray for you to change your views on life. You seem have no problem letting an aborted baby born alive die, but I do. I will pray that God changes your heart. I know you have two little girls, and seem to be a devoted father. Think of those precious babies as your own! Imagine what you want life to be for your two babies,and the potential they have. Then think of those babies that are born alive despite being aborted,and the potential they have,and that God has given them. No child is a mistake; and I pray you will reconsider your views on abortion.
I pray that you will honor the institution of marriage. I do not want Gay people discriminated against, but I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, as God intended it to be. You know as well as I that is what marriage is; a union between a man and woman. I pray you will honor our military , and you will put America's priorities above any other agendas.

I wish you no ill will, but rather, I wish you well. You have a big job ahead of you, and the responsibilities are huge. It is not a job I think I would want.

Although I don't agree with your views, (I don't think there is one view I agree with) and I don't understand why you believe the things you do, I will pray for you, because God commands us to pray for our leaders,and because I love my country.
America is the greatest nation on earth,and many have given their lives to keep it that way.
We have so many things to be thankful for. We have the freedom to worship as we choose, the freedom to earn as little or as much as we want; and the freedom to vote for the candidate of our choice,and vote without fear of retribution if we don't vote for the candidate we disagree with.

My prayer is that you will remember what our forefathers intended for this country,and why so many come here from other countries. America is a land of opportunity. I just pray you remember that, and that you will let God lead you in your decisions.
I pray you make decisions that are not politcially correct, but rather, morally correct.
I pray that you come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ,and that you find the joy that comes in a personal relationship with him. I pray that God blesses you and that God blesses America.
Don't worry, I am not going to pray ANY ill will for you , your family, or friends. I want you to be a good leader, and I know you want to be remembered as a great president. I hope you accomplish that goal, with God and America's best interest at heart.


Beth Ward said...

Good job sharing your heart and reminding us all to perform our Christian duty with a hear for the lost.

Beth Ward said...

oops - make that a "heart" for the lost.